Because one workout program is not enough to sustain a healthy schedule, Stacie has some quick tips to becoming your very own personal trainer (or at least share some know-how):
Make a plan and stick to it. When you are part of a class or program, it can be easy to get to the gym on a regular basis; after all you wouldn’t want your money to go to waste. But on your own, you need to hold yourself accountable. Start by physically penciling gym time into your calendar and then preparing for your time there. Print off a circuit from a master trainer or jot down some notes for a loose plan. When you arrive at the gym, don’t waste any time. Get right down to business! No gym? Same rules apply. Block the time to workout at home, outside, where ever. No excuses.
Set goals. Take a moment to sit down and write out your goals, for the next week, month, year, and keep the goals in your gym bag. Be realistic though. No one person can lose 50 pounds in one week. You will frustrate yourself even more by setting unattainable goals. Once these goals are set, take a look at them every now and then. Once you crush those goals, which you will, set new ones!
Be patient. This stuff takes time. What really counts is you are staying active. Although it may not feel like you are making a difference, you are. It is important to remember working out goes hand in hand with eating clean. Losing weight and gaining muscle cannot happen without both parts. Keep working and you will see the results.
Don’t limit yourself. The key to working each part of your body is switching it up. Try circuits you are not familiar with. Sign up for classes you have never tried. While routine is good, your body will thank you for switching it up every now and then. (Psst! Stacie’s top selling Power Sculpt Series DVD gives you amazing results and includes 4 workouts! Available at )
Reward Rewards Rewards. Training is hard, there is no doubt about it. It is important to celebrate the milestones and give yourself some credit! That cute pair of leggings you had your eye on or the newest model of training shoes? Put in the work and they are yours!
Now that you have a game plan, go out there and get after it!